A Training Platform​ for

Every Member of the Organization​

Designed to enable employees from their very first day, our Employee Training and Enablement platform provides you with a single solution that centrally manages, delivers, tracks, and reports on the specific training needed by each employee.

They will Learn Something New Everyday

Educate employees on everything from how to get the most out of Microsoft 365, to cybersecurity best practices, to company policies and procedures, and more – all with an ability to manage, track, and report on their progress in a single platform.
Employee Training and Enablement addresses the core learning and backend functionality needed by every organization:
HR - Onboarding
HR - Onboarding
Custom Training can provide new hires with training on company culture, mission and values; policy, processes, and procedures; benefits; acceptable computer use; job-specific training, and more.
Legal - Onboarding
Legal - Onboarding
Compliance & Policy Management can include legal docs such as the organization’s Confidentiality & Intellectual Property Agreement, a Non-Disclosure Agreement, and more.
HR – Ongoing Training
HR – Ongoing Training
As HR requires employees to complete compliance training or receive updates on company policy, Custom Training can be used to deliver and track employee learning for a more effective outcome.
Legal - Compliance
Legal - Compliance
Compliance & Policy Management can include learning and exams on the practical application of applicable compliance regulations, increasing an organization’s ability to remain compliant.
IT – Microsoft Usage
IT – Microsoft Usage
Microsoft 365 User Training provides practical education on application use from industry experts, increasing employee productivity around Microsoft operating systems and applications.
IT - Cybersecurity
IT - Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Awareness Training educates the employee on their role in helping protect the organization through good cyber hygiene, strengthening the organization's security stance.

Employee – Ongoing Learning
Employee – Ongoing Learning
Custom Training can centralize external learning, as well as host organization-specific training content assigned to users based on role, as well as to assist with upskilling and reskilling existing employees.

Enabled Employees. Empowered Organizations.

Our Employee Training and Enablement Platform offers the following features specific for

Best of Breed Training - all in a Single Solution

All your training needs – including Cybersecurity Awareness Training, Microsoft 365 User Training, Compliance & Policy Management, and Custom Training – found in a single web-based portal.

Online for a
Hybrid Workforce

Our web-based portal ensures every employee – regardless of where they work – has access to the training they need to be productive, compliant, and secure.

Updated Content

Our library of Cybersecurity- and Microsoft-related content is continually updated to make sure your employees are kept current on stay productive and how to avoid becoming a victim of cyberattack.

Centralized Extensible Custom Training

Create unlimited training courses and exams specific to the organization to meet every training requirement, leveraging presentations, Word documents, PDFs, videos, and even links to existing training elsewhere on the web.

Training Management Delegation

Owners of specific types of training within the organization can be delegated access to create their own courses, assign courses to employees, as well as monitor and report on applicable employee learning.

and Reporting

Enjoy full visibility into organization-wide training activity, eeporting on individual users and courses and exams to gain insight into whether training is being utilized and learning is occurring.

Ready to see Employee Training and Enablement in action, or have questions?

See ClipTraining in Action

Schedule a tour of ClipTraining up close and personal to see how it can impact your business and get your questions answered.
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