Keep the Organization
Continually Cyber Ready
Use Cybersecurity Awareness Training to educate employees on why, when, and where they need to be cyber vigilant; learn practical cyber hygiene habits; and help in elevating the organization’s state of cyber defenses.
Practical, Applicable, and Effective Training
Go beyond just informing about the existence cyberattacks at the office in concept. Instead, educate employees using cybersecurity awareness training that has real-world application at home and at the office.
Vigilant Users. Better Habits. Improved Cybersecurity.
Here are some of the ways Cybersecurity Awareness Training benefits an organization:
Mitigates Cyberattack Risk
Strengthens Cyber Hygiene
Reduces Human Error
74% of all data breaches involve some form of the “human element”. Proper cybersecurity training raises employee awareness to the repercussions of their actions that could put the organization at risk.
Improves Compliance
Many compliance regulations today include a data security component – often with financial penalties if not adhered to. Vigilant employees make less mistakes handling data subject to regulation.
Just One Part of the Larger Picture
Cybersecurity Awareness Training is just one type of training available in ClipTraining’s Employee Training and Enablement platform. Find out how it can be used to positively impact your business by choosing the scenario that best fits you.