Don’t just Manage Your Customers.

Enable Them.

Partnering with ClipTraining to offer Employee Training and Enablement as a managed service improves your customer’s state of productivity, cybersecurity, and compliance – all while differentiating you from your competition, increasing customer reliance, and reducing customer attrition.

Your MSP Business faces a Number of Challenges


The average MSP expects to grow revenue 33% annually



The average MSP is targeting a 31% gross profit margin



of MSPs are concerned about increased competition in the market



of MSPs offer the same 8 core  services



of MSPs use a “customer success” model focused on customer retention/renewal

Customer Acquisition


of MSPs expect acquiring new customers to be a challenge

Eliminate the Challenges with
Employee Training and Enablement

ClipTraining’s Employee Training and Enablement addresses the challenges faced by MSPs today by enabling you to offer a new service that provides the MSP with a number of benefits:

Increases Revenue Streams

ETE offers an opportunity for both new monthly recurring revenue and additional project-based revenue through the lifetime of the customer.

Improves Gross Margins

ETE empowers employees to solve some of their own issues, reducing helpdesk calls, and increasing tech profitability – all resulting in larger gross margins for the MSP.

Augments Existing Services

The training within ETE aligns directly with your Managed Microsoft 365 and Cybersecurity service offerings, and can add value to RMM, Backup/DR, Managed Cloud, Service Desk, and Compliance-related services.

Demonstrates Value Daily

Most of your services aren’t visible to the customer and are only seen when something goes wrong. With ETE, the service is utilized daily as an integral part of the employee lifecycle, demonstrating continual visible service value.

Ensures Customer Retention

By offering all the training types within ETE, the service you provide your customer with becomes an invaluable and crucial part of operations, further embedding your business into your customer’s, creating a “stickiness” factor.

Reduces Customer Loss

Employers who utilize employee training see improvement in both employee productivity and profitability, further solidifying the relationship with the customer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Employee Training & Enablement platform makes you money in two ways:

  1. It increases profitability – when embedded within your managed services, our training helps increase customer knowledge and self-reliance, reducing your HelpDesk and support costs. It also improves customer satisfaction, thereby increasing customer retention. 
  2. It increases revenue – many of our partners choose to drive revenue through adding our valuable training services to  existing offerings and as the basis for new ones. Our team will be happy to share these strategies with you and implement them for you!

You can have it up and running within an hour. If desired, our Success Team will provide support to help with every setup customer portals, create custom learning paths and drip campaigns, and more. And everything you may need to deploy ClipTraining to all your clients is included in your subscription.

You’ll manage all of your clients from a single multi-tenant web-based portal. You can centrally organize users and groups, assign training and learning paths, review reports, and even publish custom content and policies for all customers from your ClipTraining portal.

Yes, our platform completely customizable for each of your customers, since no two customers are the same.

ClipTraining is a key differentiator and helps us win new customers. Our clients absolutely love the platform!

Robert Roman, President, Intelice Solutions

Take the next step on your path to offering Employee Training and Enablement

Ready to partner with us or have a question about offering Employee Training and Enablement services?

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